Intelcom Residential Pickup

 With the rapid development of technology and the swift transfer of the world from mechanical to virtual tools, the need for e-shipment services have also soared to record high. Considering the surge in package deliveries, Intelcom started its operations back in 1986 to provide convenience to its customers in various fields. 

Although online delivery systems have provided a lot of benefits, one serious demerit that comes with it is the missed delivery issue as one does not know about the exact date and time when the delivery is going to take place nor can one ensure his availability at all times. 

To address all such issues, Intelcom has introduced a residential pickup service, which will aid the customers to a considerable extent. The following article revolves around the residential pickup service offered by Intelcom. 

What is Intelcom Residential Pickup Service? 

Intelcom residential pickup is a service offered by the company aimed at simplifying the process of day to day delivery. This process will enhance the overall experience of the customers and will introduce flexible measures ensuring greater greater customer satisfaction. 

All you have to do is enter the correct location of your residential address and your package will arrive at your doorstep in no time. Keep into account that you must opt for a secure drop off location such as a locker or some other safe place. 

Process of Intelcom Residential deliveries 

The process of Intelcom residential deliveries is quite simple and straightforward with no complexities involved in it. 

The customers will first have to make an order like a regular process and then at the final step, choose the Intelcom Residential Delivery in the preferred method. 

Once you have successfully received the parcel, a notification will be sent to you through the company containing a pickup or a QR code. 

Customers can then go to that particular location which they entered while ordering and pick up their parcel by entering the code that has been sent to them. 

These codes are used for security purposes so that only the designated recipient can get the parcel. 

Why opt for Intelcom Residential Pickup? 

Following are some of the reasons why you should be opting for Intelcom Residential Pickup Service: 

  • Flexibility: One of the core reasons why you should be opting for this service over others is the fact that Intelcom is very flexible in its services. A range of services are offered by the company, each differing in their characteristics. Also, there’s flexibility exhibited in the fact that any pickup location can be opted according to the needs of the customers.  This indicates that you don’t need to be home all the time in order to collect your parcel as you can choose any place as per your requirements. 
  • Security guaranteed: Intelcom offers a guaranteed security service and any type of inconvenience is not possible at all. Although the risks of theft and damage are present because one cannot avoid unforeseen circumstances, strict security measures are in place in order to minimize these risks as much as possible. These measures include the presence of secure lockers as well as the installation of cameras all around the place. 
  • Environmental sustainability: Another aspect of Intelcom which makes it a go to for all the Canadian residents out there is the focus it places on environmental sustainability issues. No such practices are adopted which have a harsh effect on the environment and ensure the implementation of more eco-friendly measures to reduce its carbon footprint on the environment. 
  • Community-centric approach: Intelcom has a very customer centric approach and doesn’t adopt measures that will disturb the ease enjoyed by its users. One of the most notable examples in this regard is the implementation of pickup locations within residential areas, so that the customers don’t have to worry about being away from home at all. Also, the presence of these locations eradicates the need to travel long distances in order to pick up a parcel, like Intelcom warehouses, and all you have to do is go to the nearest pickup location that you entered and get back your parcel safely without any worries. 

In short, Intelcom Residential Pickup service is one of the most ideal solutions to every sort of problem out there thanks to the customer-centric approach adopted by the company. 

By the implementation of proper security measures, the company has eradicated the need for any worries as the parcel will reach you without any hindrances. 

Furthermore, the factors of environmental sustainability which are kept into account by Intelcom is what makes this company stand out from others in the market. 

Intelcom TRacking tries its level best in order to reduce its carbon emissions and stop climate change as much as possible. All of this is what makes Intelcom the choice of 90% of the users in the market. 

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